Breakout in your market with a brand strategy that gives you the freedom to live adventurously

Let me guess

You work tirelessly in your business but still can’t break through the ceiling.


You’re unsure how to show up on socials or what messages to promote.


You’re pouring effort into your marketing but not seeing any results.


You’re battling the competition and considering lowering your prices.


You’ve DIY’d your brand and it no longer reflects where you want to go.


You’ve hired contractors but they never seem to get it right.


Here’s what no one is telling you:

Most CEOs in the outdoor industry never achieve money, time or schedule freedom because they focus on building a business instead of nurturing a brand.

Cate Dolling Brand Strategist

Hey, I’m Cate

And 3 years ago I was struggling in my business, so much so, that I almost gave up. It wasn’t until I discovered brand strategy that my business - and life! - changed.

Now I teach the same strategy tools to my clients so they can build powerhouse brands, become wildly successful and
live adventurously!

You started this business to be liberated from a “normal job” and live life on your terms.

Make it happen!


The process

1. Jump on a Discovery Call

Jump on a FREE 30-minute chat to find out if your business goals could be solved with a breakthrough brand strategy.

If it’s a go, we’ll move on to the Compass Session - $300.

2. Book a Compass Session

In the Compass Session, we’ll diagnose your problems and find a strategy that will see you break through in your market. After the call, you’ll receive a Brand Roadmap with clear next steps so you can either execute on your own or hire me to help you bring it to life.

3. Build a break-
through brand

In only 4 weeks, we’ll apply the breakthrough strategy, redesign your logo and aesthetic, and implement your new brand.

All you have to do is watch your business grow and plan your next adventure.

With the brand breakthrough...

  • Brand strategy is the key to turning your business into an obsession-worthy brand, because, sometimes it's not enough to simply be good in your market.

  • When your business connects deeply with your audience’s desires, dreams, and values, and you have an aesthetic that looks premium, then can raise your rates, pitch to that company or sign that contract you’ve been dreaming of.

  • If you’re not unequivocally certain of your vision, mission, values, value proposition, audience, brand story, market position, brand expression, or other highly important brand elements - it shows.

    Unfortunately, it manifests in bad business decisions, confusing marketing, loss of sales, and even employee dissatisfaction.

    My strategy framework clarifies all of this and much more, bringing everything into focus, and giving you the confidence to move forward with strength.

  • A brand strategy is simply a plan for you to have more customers, buy more products, at a higher price, for a longer time. Not all brands have a strategy, but all successful ones do.

  • It’s all well and good to compete in the market, but what if you carved your own lane, connecting so intrinsically with your audience that you never even looked at the competition?

case Study

case Study

In 6 months, Maddy and Jeff went from feeling like “just another influencer photography couple” to being featured in Forbes as part of a year-long project to travel the world documenting stories of businesses saving our oceans.

Compass Session Reviews

“In 90 minutes Cate has reignited my passion for my work and has me excited for the future”


“I took the Compass session with Cate, and I got so much out of it.”


“Her guidance helped me to reimagine a campaign strategy for my upcoming product launch.”


Go from stressed and uncertain about the future of your business, to feeling in flow and doing what you love.

“The lessons we learn from the wild become the etiquette of freedom.”

— Gary Snyder