Your business is an extension of you

So don’t you want to work with someone who gets that?

Hey, i’m Cate 👋

In a past life, I was a fashion designer but I ditched all this to actually live my life.

Just like you, I started this business to experience freedom, so I could follow my passions - surfing, snowboarding and travel.

And just like you I also struggled to make my business successful. I was broke, tired and at a loss...

I have been in your shoes, and I know a better way.

Strategy transformed my business

If i can do it, so can you

The process

1. Jump on a Discovery Call

Jump on a FREE 15-minute chat to find out if your business goals could be solved with a breakthrough brand strategy.

If it’s a go, we’ll move on to the Compass Session - $300.

2. Book a Compass Session

In the Compass Session, we’ll diagnose your problems and find a strategy that will see you break through in your market. After the call, you’ll receive a Brand Roadmap with clear next steps so you can either execute on your own or hire me to help you bring it to life.

3. Build a break-
through brand

In only 4 weeks, we’ll apply the breakthrough strategy, redesign your logo and aesthetic, and implement your new brand.

All you have to do is watch your business grow and plan your next adventure.

Still not sure?

Let’s jump on a FREE 15-minute call to see if we’re a good fit.